The Arcology @ Night.

       Goths break stride. 

       "Poetry and gummi worms should be fat-free." 

  • flesh borne of such pale clarity | surely be a sign of the Fiend’s guidance 
  • for in the light, the very substance that withered | on this slight frame was once nothing more than drab clay 
  • the thirteenth screamed “Derision !” all in one force | even as kin they could not recognize this alien purity 
  • my longest wings sprouted free and of solemn crystal at the tips | slithered past the Curse I stood at last 
  • rooted fast to Gaia as my lower half was smote | a column of salt and this frail heart burst into smoke 
      tether’d to such truth, lies wither, and the forgiven past wanes
       My Lord saw it fit to welcome this sinner back, cleansed of shame 
  • unto Elysian glades, the torture ends | from out of shadow, and the beginning of the Day calls out my name 

     A sweeping cloud of black. Compiled plastic, lace and circuitry. 
       The one in the full length duster chuckles low in an outcast accent.
       "Somebody put these low-borns outta theah Misery." 

       (sidebar: breathe free haiku tutorial online)  LOVE is a four-letter word. So's READ. Here, chew on this:
       57501: They danced with distance | Princess twitch madman poet | Invisible hearts.


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