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 May 2001

 0501: 29 points

 Aegisweb online. Pleasantly surprised to find that RP back home has reached a level of 
 organization that Bobby and I only dreamed about. Sent a letter of introduction to their web
 liaison requesting information in finding Francis Capule. After all this time, Koko's still trouble.
 The liaison fwds my email to Russell Tomas, whom I've actually met on a couple of ocassions. 
 This one time he had all of us in Jun Batenga's group stay over night at his family's place in 
 Antipolo. An arms dealer sweatshop Paper Street mansion up in  the hills. I don't recall much of 
 the game except that most of us who stayed up greeted the awesome pre-dawn sky outside 
 puffing on cigs and wishing for a jacket in the cool mountain air. All of six years ago.

 Aegisweb's informative site. Lots of useful stuff inside.

 sleep-dep + SIDIE = serendipity. Aldin catches on to how I'm keeping up with him. At the rate I'm 
 going it better be worth it. Chronic sleep-dep being the vicious cycle that it is, some days you go 
 on for two hours of restlessness, and then you just crash. Depending on how long you can keep it 
 up. Today I'm on the sleepful side, having snoozed for some twelve hours from 1AM. 

 Lots of new pictures. Back to the drawing board with the scanner installation. AWinME patch with 
 the 2YO peripheral plus five attempts later and we still have nothing. 

 This side of email. Fallen is approved for linkage @ Yay! The sort of connectivity
 that linking brings lends some substantiality to one's pagewriting. Ming shoots her first doco
 (a two minute documentary) and has cool new red boots. It may not really be a guy thing, but 
 I like shoes. 

 My kid sis Cherms (my pet nom for her) gets into trouble in Physics. I do the big brother thing
 and write her back reassuring advice, drawn from my deep well of wisdom (snicker). I got into so
 much trouble in my senior year of high school that the Lord of Halls and Walls barred me from 
 attending the grad march and hinted at the threat of expulsion. It took the rents some powerful
 reasoning for the powers that be to even let me step up and continue on to college. I stopped
 my shenanigans a few years later and grew up.

 Banality however, has not snuffed my spirit. More on that later.

 Aldin sends fanmail props, awed by my skills in tankyuushaakaiba chishikikougaku. I'll leave it 
 up to you to find out Nippon slang. Justyna would like/wants to see the SOPDOG page. My files
 are all over the place. It'll take some time for me to find out where those actually are. Bobby's
 politics, and the stirring speech (his words) he sends our way. I download it for later reading.
 Karla Inigo's existentialist post "The Mirror" on the peyups list. A long email from Tita Minette,
 my Mom's youngest sister. 

 Taped Buffy. Watched Angel. Those are my two new Tuesday evening habits. And I cooked too.
 Supper was Mex rice and Sel's tocino. Hamsteak in an OJ-clove-mustard reduction sauce. Good
 stuff. Worked on my oages for a while but was Tripod went down before I could make the upload.
 Kuei Glossary.
 Points are like mousemiles, but they're not for collecting. Mousemile is how long you're online.
 SID is a standard internet day, usually from 10PM-6AM the next day, depending on how long 
 I stay on and how much work there's left to do online. Mostly research and downloading. A little
 surfing. I try to make my sleep-dep useful.

 Since I'm not sleeping anyway I might as well get stuff done. But like I said, it's a vicious cycle.

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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 05 27   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook