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 May 2001

 0503: 36 points

 A mostly rpg93 day.
 "Double Duck-Attack kung fu combo is very deadly " - Aldin
 Bobby trapped by the spaminator. Jax still not yet in our sights. 
 Aldin sends snapshots of the netcaf he's running in GSC. 
 I make a bid to everybody for a conference via chat.

 Mom sends a page my way. And then later some email. 

 after some sleep | back online

 Jiggs nixes the Kia bid. I wonder why I haven't written her myself.
 Bobby's long email and the :whole: story about the 93 campaign.

 0504: 12 points

 Aldin's turn at retelling the tale. Check out the rp emails
 Even after all these years we are still pretty much our characters.
 A bit of news from Justyna and Cherms. Tons from

 The refund check$ from HP came in today. Timely welcome relief.
 Wrote til four PM. Burned a cd. Did chores and home improvement.
 It is SO hot outside! Picked my sweetheart up from work. Pizza is good.
 Yahoo chatter updated. Now they're charging 2¢/min. Mytalk used to be free dotcom.
 Chats with Art (college friend from Chicago), Jiggs and Chickki, my kid sis.
 Logged off at 4AM. No Aldin-mirc anywhere. The wind made it lots cooler. 

 0505: 4 points

 Up @ 1PM, usual for the weekend. Ran to make it to the postal office. Had fun helping David rope
 down deck sections from the roof. Did groceries. Brought the a/c up from storage, the bike too. 
 A nice yellow Peugeot that's as old as I am. Fixed it up for two hours. 
 I'm pleasantly surprised that it runs great. Porkchops and beer for supper. 
 Then the day catches up with me. I may have taken a nap. 
 Up again @ 10, and did my accounting for two hours. Downloads from
 onecupmilk til 2AM. Caught up with the hfp otaku til 4AM. 
 I'd get done with these things surely enough if I went broadband.

 News from Chickki that Lola Meding has passed away. 
 Somehow I knew this before anyone had sent me anything. 
 I am utterly calm. Pacific.
 A Zen haiku comes to mind, but I can't form the words for it. 
 Dad must've felt this. I wanted to talk more to him when I called the morning of his flight
 but he had to go. He had wanted to come home and despite a few delays he made it back safely. 
 I heard that he was able to see her a day before. 
 That's a good thing. 
 I hope he's okay.
 Hope everyone is.
 Kuei Glossary.
 The 93 campaign was a semester long rp which was recorded in full detail 
 on a notebook which I kept with me all the time. Sort of like a proto-blog
 before there was anything like the net. 

 The 93 campaign was more than just an ordinary game. It took over our lives.
 It became more important than eating or school. We were only alive whilst rp.
 Lola is the Tagalog word for grandmother. 
                                                             Lola Meding, we'll miss you. 

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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 05 27   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook