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 May 2001

 0516: 4 points

        Very Ying day. 
 Slept the six hours til 10AM. Let the cat out. Oatmeal b|fast fat purge.
 Watched last night's Buffy. Back in bed...
                              Up at 6PM. That's me, the early riser.
 Annotated Last Emperor, this time Sel gets to see pretty much the whole thing.

 Shaved my scruffy stubble....beginning to seriously dislike facial hair.
       Will there be something worthwhile online?
 posted on + and others, looking for used dvd TLE.
 More TLE research
 wrote emails to Mom, Nan, Tita Minette.
       Logged off after a while.
           Netside was thin today.

 0517: 12 points

 Snoozed the five hours til 11AM (was it just that?) maybe..I [am] so tired.
 Zombification via sleepdep cycles is terrible for one's health.

 For respite we must shred netside, fall to familiar patterns.
 Downloaded awesome! real audio live Orbital from Loopz

 Repaired my hairspirespikes. Now it looks more like exotic killer fish.
 Rode for two hours til 5PM. The Bklyn Esplanade is under konstruct?
 Court St coming back is always exciting, weaving through crowds
 Wielding the bike just as if it were an extension of one's arms and legs

 Coasted along both sides of Smith St, stopping sometimes if a store
 catches my eye. The abundance of bars. Everything looks better at night.
 Apparently not a whole lot of NY has seen hair this side of c|punk.

 "That's crazy man!"
 Not really c|punk, since I'm not wearing anything remotely (c) nor punk.
 Back and Sel's home. We head out to buy fish.
 Thrifters had slim pickins. To the batcave! Er, the cafe for mocha + chai.

 broiled yummy ginger-lemon-kikkoman salmon and mexican rice
 zoned out to brain-free tv: Friends then Will & Grace
 I have this ability to call out what's gonna transpire in these sitcoms.
 They may have a predictability problem, but my girlfriend swears I'm all good
 Running a little low on energy. Maybe I should turn in early just this once.
 Looking for a book to read.

 0518: 5 points

 up @ 1PM. 
 Don't recall what I was downloading but the net must've been especially slow.
              Musta been binaries.

 Worn out by 7PM. Got ready and out the door. To the other side of Court St. 
 for cheap coffee - the industrial strength kind. Picked Sel up from work.
 Mexican taco supper Friday! 

 Top Secret on IFC Bravo. Didn't stay on long.
 In yet another unadulterated Utopian outburst Aldin sends me his gameblogs.
 I blast back with my mpix, hfp otaku missives!
 Tom Koch's how-to page proves invaluable in my ongoing email retrofit.
 Chat with my kid sisters Chickki and Nan. 
 (Can I just say how happy I am that technology helps keep people in touch?) 
       Sent my sweetheart a congratulation egreet
 Worked on Yahoo albums for an hour til 5AM.
 Emailed my Brooklyn and Chicago families invites to peruse the uploads. 
       Felt awesome. Happy and excited about it. Real proud of her. 
 Kuei Glossary

 Ying - the dark fire. cold energy. passive and calm. very low-key. 
          antithesis of Yang.

 TLE - Bernardo Bertolucci's 1988 classic, The Last Emperor
         One of my favorite all time movies. Definitely five stars.

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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 05 29   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook