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 May 2001

 0519: 9 points

 Spent the earliest hours of the day zoned to the tv.
 In moments like these I am actually horrified but unable to pull
 myself away from the draw of the screen. I am utterly powerless.
 Remember that early 90's spook series, Friday the 13th?
 SciFi schedules it around this time.  
 I watch this and an old Star Trek Next Gen rerun 
 AND John Galliano (funkey designer) gi-van-chee, oh yah ho ho!

 Can't pull off that French accent.
 Anyway. Slept 6-8AM. Wonderful. I don't know how I keep up with this.

 Napped fitfully for three hours til 1PM. Cooled off with a shower.
 It was stinking hot like a tin roof cat outside, summer style.
 Groceries took two hours, but it seems quicker than usual. A short list.

 It is SO hot outside, I'm baking in my white shirt. 
 Out to the Smith corner F stop to get a metrocard.
 On the way back I snag this rubber water bottle thingy for a dollar.
 People are packing up the Bergen St. block party. Pah-ty.

 By the time I got around to it there were more people at the bar.

 On the train. The F takes most local stops. 
 Not having proper directions is no prob. Sue finds IYI soon enough.
 I always feel slightly awed by formal ceremonies of any sort, or any
 ceremony for that matter. 
 Good thing they let us take pictures. 
 "Yogi must bogi. But not rogi." It was a simple, beautiful ritual.
 And no, I'm not a :lighter: Not even during my year in the seminary.
 I felt a bit shy in congratulating her classmates, but I did anyway.
 The reception was ok. There was a big spread and I was able to get
 a decent snapshot of the sitar lady. Sel's guacamole went real quick.
 Some multi-colored designer label potato chips that were good, but I
 didn't touch most of the other stuff. 

 More pics of Sue and David in the midst of the room, and them 
 with Sel (now Satya), our new yogi. The one of her right in front of the
 altar in the main room is really pretty. 

 Got back home shortly afterwards. A huge fern as a present to Sel.
 We run downstairs to grab a bite to eat, real food. Soup and sammich.
 Then the margaritas. Mmm! Very refreshing in this heat and chocolates.
 It was supreme.
 Turned in by 4AM after four hours online. 
 Just checking on the routine stuff, and 3 binaries.
 The email retrofit is going along just fine.

                          I'd like to thank God for this very sublime day.
 Kuei Glossary                                                              
 a) gi.van.chee? 
 est-ce que vous ne parlez pas Français? GIVENCHY, dearie. Don't ask.
 b) IYI
 Hatha good day @ Integral Yoga Institute
 c) lighter - from "the Light", or thusly, people who are utterly possessed
 of such reverence for the Light. I'm not entirely sure what the Light is, or
 who it is (if it's in human form, maybe an avatr...who knows?). 
 But lighters are not to be made fun of nor ostracized. Nor taken seriously.

 cynical - Expressing jaded or scornful skepticism. 
             Or pessimistic, as from world-weariness. (from

 Satya. From Sanskrit meaning The Truth, or the True.

                      ^ top

  calendar n3 
aSarrah's Snowy Buddha 
  Sel's big day @ Integral.
  Pics of the yoga teacher graduation ceremony celebration 
  will be uploaded hopefully sometime in mid-June.                                                 
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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 05 30   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook