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 May 2001

 0523: 18 points

 9 hours til 2PM. Sleep is good!
 Continued scouring Loopz UK tour pix. Nix Bridget Jones.
 So instead I continued online. There was a conniption. About something. 

 It's that move out to the West. Somewhere with wide open skies.
 A huge yard, a garden, kittens and a dog. Away from the city.
 This will take some time. But it's possible.

 Discovered the Remix Compo on Loopz, and I downloaded them too. 
 Email from Justyna and Crispy, sent responses to Justyna, back and forth. 
 Uploaded the Abbey pics.

 Went out and bought whipped cream, chocolate sauce and Half-Baked Ben and Jerry's 
 while half-watching Felicity. Just background noise.
 Chatted with Nan and it was for a bit. Mom wanted me to call, but it was late.

 Sue's okay. The car's totâled but Thank God no one was hurt.
 That's what all the chocolate was for. 

 email back from fourtrackmind (aka bryan hunt) with the mp3 
 Finished the Tara series from abnf. Lots of activity on hfp too. Big picture day.
 SOPDOG reprazent: crispy, justyna mail back
 Jannie also writes back. 
 marz's got atari? mov | sweet download! 
 Kuei Glossary

 chocolate - my number one comfort food. An excerpt from

 Chocolate also contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. 
 It is the rate-limiting step in the production of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin.   
 Enhanced serotonin function typically diminishes anxiety. 
 Yet tryptophan can normally be obtained from other sources as well. Consumption of chocolate  
 causes the release of endorphins, the body's endogenous opiates. Enhanced endorphin-release 
 reduces the chocolate-eater's sensitivity to pain. 
 Endorphins probably contribute to the warm inner glow induced in susceptible chocaholics.

                      ^ top

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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 06 07   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook