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 May 2001

 0524: 11 points

 4AM downtime... 
 but saffron bugged me to let him out....grr....slept 5-2PM? Maybe.
 note to self: this cat needs a BATH! | Saffron baffron = el stinkowsky gato azafran

 brought out sel's bike from the cellar
 except for a few rust spots, it's in an amazingly good condition
                        a quick little bike fixer-upper
 we ride around in the nabe 
 out to Court St. for fish and the greengrocer

 back home and the cooking duo is on. Ginger-lemon salmon, 
                   Mexican rice and roast chicken+garlic pilaf. Mmm-hmm. Yum!
             watched grunge era movie Singles for a while

 then online. updated the old verg page (it's become bloated and unwieldy!) 
 It's ever an organic thing. Small becomes big. 
                    Keep on writing. 

                            [A NEW BEGINNING]
                            Uploaded the may start page:
                            Awesome simplicity, clean lines, fast loading. The day's cooled way down. 
                            4:30AM time for bed maybe. 
 Kuei Histology

 Keeping track has always been important for me.
 Everything has its own significance, which may not yet be revealed.
 I've had to let go of so much to get to where I am in life now.
 This is just some other story that will most probably not be read.
 But for all the times that I've had a pen in hand and some paper,
 and there's this cool long view that could've been a picture I'd taken.
                             This is all I can remember.

 These are my memories.

                     ^ top

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 Fallen 6.0.1  ||  uploaded 06 07   |  check out today's links    ||      | kewl!! i can tag this guestbook